Séjour découverte du patrimoine et voyage temporel

Living heritage through the arts
Guided stay of 5 nights
for a group of 6/8 people
The stay in a nutshell
Parce que nous avions envie de vous faire profiter des trésors de notre terroir autrement, nous avons conçu le séjour découverte du patrimoine et voyage temporel.
Combining history, heritage, arts and digital technology, it will allow you to discover our beautiful region differently.
A ce titre, le Séjour vous plongera dans l’Histoire d’Autun de sorte que vous puissiez en découvrir toutes les pépites.
For this, you will benefit from the enlightened support of artists passionate about drawing, photography, digital so that you can create a travel diary.
Then, accompanied by our artists Yas Munasinghe, Olivier Renouard and Folly Afahounko, you will design your own travel diary.
Thanks to our tour guides, you will travel in the past and enjoy the places as they should.
Finally, you will discover gastronomic culinary specialties and small Burgundy pearls unearthed by an oenologist from our region that will make your mouth water.
In a word, an unprecedented journey!
The Artists
for unforgettable moments
To accompany you on your journey through time, 3 professional artists will share their know-how with you. Initiators of a space dedicated to teaching graphic arts in Autun –La Passerelle, they all three want to share their passion.
Folly Afahounko, visual artist photographer turned towards hyperrealism
Karim Benchebra, artiste, mouvement hyperréaliste
Olivier Renouard specialist in 3D animations in cinema
Yas Munasinghe, artist in the field of plastic and digital arts